Research Publications
- Study Of Variations In Muscular Branches Of Radial Nerve In Axilla And Posterior Compartment Of Arm Raghavendra D R*1 ,Nirmala D 2 , Maveshettar G F 3 . International Journal of Anatomy and Research, Int J Anat Res 2018, Vol 7(1.2):6220-24. ISSN 2321-4287 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.445
- Study Of Variation In Course Of Radial Nerve In Axilla And Posterior Compartment Of Arm Raghavendra D R *1, Nirmala D 2 ,Maveshettar G F 3 . International Journal of Anatomy and Research, Int J Anat Res 2018, Vol 6(4.1):5792-96. ISSN 2321-4287 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.343
- The Muscular Axillary Arch In Relation To The Formation Of Posterior Cord of Brachial plexus - A Case Report , Dr Raghavendra D R, Dr Muralidhar P Shepur, Dr Nirmala D, paripex-indian journal of research Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2019
- Malika Noorjehan Samozai, Influence of menstrual cycle on pulmonary function tests in First Year female Medical Students – International Journal of Physiology – No.9018/IJOP/2017, ISSN-2320-608X(Electronic),ISSN-2320-6039
- Malika Noorjehan Samozai and Ashok Kumar Kulkarni – Changes in serum calcium, urine calcium, serum phosphate and urine phosphate levels by calcium supplements in postmenopausal women – International Journal of Medicine and pharmaceutical sciences (IJMPS), Vol 6, Issue : 1 Edition February 2016,ISSN-2250-0049.
- M.N. Samozai, A.K. Kulkarni – Do calcium supplements increase serum and urine
calcium levels in post – menopausal women? The journal of nutrition, health and aging
(JNHA), 2015, Vol.19 (05) : 537 – 541.SPRINGER PUBLICATIONS LINK-
7707),ONLINE1760-4788,IMPACT FACTOR-2.77-2.9.
Pharmacology 2017: DOI: 10.5.455/ NJPPP 2017.
- Bindu Pavani.CH1,*, Shruti Mohanty2, Archana A. Dharwadkar3; Hypouricemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus without nephropathy: A case control study;International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research; April-June, 2018;5(2):201-205
- Dr. Md Masood Ahmed Shareef1, Dr. Nitin Faldessai2*, Dr. Rahul Saxena3, Dr. Ijen Bhattacharya4 Assessment of Plasma Paraoxonase Activity in Metabolic Syndrome Patients; Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS); Feb 2018; 6(2): 609-613.
- sandhya Metta1, Nitin Fal Dessai2, Satyanarayana Uppala3, Shruti Mohanty4, Archana Anand Dharwadkar5; Evaluation of Dyslipidaemia and Echocardiographic Markers of Myocardial Contractility in Smokers with Ischaemic Heart Disease; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research; 2018 Jul, Vol-12(7): CC04-CC06.
- Bindu Pavani. Ch1, Nitin Faldessai2*, Archana A Dharwadkar3, Shruti Mohanty4; Medical students perception on assignment based learning in biochemistry; International Medical Journal; February 2018; 5(2): 23-28.
- Bindu Pavani.CH1,*, Shruti Mohanty2, Archana A. Dharwadkar3; Hypouricemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus without nephropathy: A case control study; International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and ResearcH; April-June, 2018;5(2):201-205.
- Bindu Pavani. Ch1, Nitin Faldessai2*, Archana A Dharwadkar3, Shruti Mohanty4; Medical students perception on assignment based learning in biochemistry; International Medical Journal; February 2018; 5(2): 23-28.
- Veena Bhaskar S, Bindu Pavani. Ch2,, Archana A Dharwadkar3, and Shruti Mohanty4; Concept Map as a Reinforcement and Assessment Tool in Biochemistry for First Year Medical Students; Journal of Research in Medical Education and Ethics; Nov 2018:Vol; 8, No. 3
- Dr. Md Masood Ahmed Shareef1, Dr. Nitin Faldessai2*, Dr. Rahul Saxena3, Dr. Ijen Bhattacharya4; Assessment of Plasma Paraoxonase Activity in Metabolic Syndrome Patients; Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS); Feb 2018; 6(2): 609-613.
- Accepted for publication: Rangaiahagari Ashok. Bacteriological profile and antimicrobioal susceptability pattern in ICU unit of tertiary care hospital, Aurangabad. Int. j. clin. biomed. Res. 2017;3: 1-5.
- Deepthi Maringanti, Archana Ganapuram J. Prevalence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in CSOM cases at a tertiary care centre.Int.J.Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2018;4:71- 75
- Patil SB.Raikar SR, Bhaskar H.N. Janardhan M, Rao Y V, Vahila. A Study of adverse reactions in patients treated with penicillins in a rural tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Pharmacology (2016), vol 5(2), pg no 41-44.
- Shivaraj Basavaraj, Shrinivas R. Raikar, Marupaka Janardhan, Y. Venkata Rao, H.N.Bhaskar, Nallavelly Vahila. A Profile of adverse drug reactions in a rural tertiary care hospital. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2016/Vol6/Issue 6, Pg no 559-562.
- Sirisha Annavarapu, Janardhan M, Naveen kumar T. Imact of teaching session on concepts of palliative care in medical undergraduates. International Journal of Basic & clinical pharmacology (2016), vol5(1), pg no 188-191
- Nagaiah BH, Patil SB,Vahila N, Y.V.Rao, Shrinivas Raikar, Sajid M. Analysis of adverse drug reactions of antimicrobial agents reported to ADR Monitoring centre of a rural tertiary care teaching hospital. Int J Basic Pharmacology.2017,6 (5):1-4.
- Raghuveer B, Chakravarthy K. Gastroprotective activity of Trachyspermum ammi against ethanol induced gastric ulcers. Indian journal of applied research. 2017,7(8):343- 347.
- Patil SB, Bhaskar HN, Raikar SR, Venkatarao Y. Self-medication practices among second medical students in a rural medical college of telangana state. National journal of physiology, pharmacy and pharmacology.2018; 8 (4):501-506.
- Sirisha G, Shovan P. Effect of agomelatine on psychomotor function tests in healthy human volunteers. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2018; 7:109-13.
- Sirisha G, Neeraj Sadiq & Venkatarao Y. Adverse drug reactions due to Immunosuppressant reported in renal transplant recipients in a Tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology 2018, Volume 5 (4) 176 – 178.
- Shrinivas Raikar, Shivaraj B Patil, Venkata Rao Y, Raghuveer B. An Assessment of Adverse reactions to anti-retroviral therapy in a south indian government hospital. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology 2018, Volume 8 (10) 1405- 1408.
- Yamini V, Madhav P, Shankar Babu G (2019) Drug prescription pattern of out patients in tertiary care teaching hospital in Gannavaram A.P. IOSR Journal of Dental & Medical Sciences Volume 18 (2) 26-30.
- A study of prevalence of type 2 diabetes among urban population of Eluru POT2DIE Study. Chandra Shekar Valletali, Chandra Shekar Kalevaru, Balaraju Ratna, PG Deotale. Indian journal of public health research & development vol.12. (Acceptance 2019).
- Balaraju Ratna “Poly pharmacy usage among geriatric population at rural health centre Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally”. Indian journal of public health research & development. (Acceptance 2019).
- Balaraju Ratna “Oil intake pattern & its association with hypertension among urban population of Eluru city”. International scientific research. 2019
- Sunil Pal Singh Chajhlana1, T. V. D. Prathyusha1*, Manoj Aravind Bhumi1, Rama Krishna Narashima Mahabhashyam1, Maruti Sarma Mannava Varaprasada2 “Status of birth preparedness and complication readiness among pregnant women in rural areas” International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Chajhlana SPS et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Jan;5(1):284-288.
- Sunil Pal Singh Chajhlana1, Manoj Aravind Bhumi1*, Rama Krishna Narashima Mahabhashyam1, Sai Ram A.2, Maruti Sarma Mannava Varaprasada2 “Objective structured clinical examination for formative assessment of final year part-1 MBBS students” International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Chajhlana SPS et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Jan; 5(1):313-316.
- Kishore Y. Jothula*,Sreeharshika D, “Study to assess knowledge, attitude and practice regarding organ donation among interns of a medical college in Telangana, India. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2018 Apr;5(4):1339- 1345.
- Kishore Y. Jothula, Praveena Ganapa*, Sreeharshika D Navya K. Naidu, Abhishek P,” Study to find out reasons for opting medical profession and regret after joining MBBS course among first year students of a medical college in Telangana”. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 2018 Apr;5(4):1392-1396.
- Kishore Y.Jothula, Praveena Ganapa*, Sreeharshika D, Pramodh Reddy P, Abhishek P. Career preferences and factors influencing speciality choices among the medical students in Telangana: A cross sectional study. The Journal of Community Health Management 2018; 5(1): 17-20.
- Chappidi M, Shivananjiah S, Thirthahalli C, Kunnavil R, Murthy NS. Complications of diabetes mellitus among patients attending the outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:341-8.
- Training manual on Biomedical waste management for waste handlers. Prepared on contract by: Department of Community Medicine, M. S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore. Approved by Technical Working Group (TWG) and accepted by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. First printed and published in 2018.
- Kishore Yadav J.1, Praveena Ganapa1*, Joanna P. Fernandes2, Sreeharshika D.1, Ramesh S.3 Awareness and perception regarding female foeticide among adolescents in rural community of Nalgonda district, Telangana International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | July 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 7 Page 3106
- Kishore Yadav Jothula1, Abhishek P2,*, Praveena Ganapa3, Pramodh Reddy P4, Navya Krishna Naidu5 Adherence to hypertensive treatment among patients coming to rural health and training centre of a medical college: A cross sectional study Kishore Y. J. et al.
- Kishore Yadav J.1, Navya K. Naidu1*, Sreeharshika D.1, Harikrishna B.2, Malhotra V.3 Study to assess knowledge, perception and practices regarding Swachh Bharat Abhiyan among rural people of Nalgonda district in Telangana state International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | August 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 8 Page 3399.
- Preeti S.Raga, Amrith Laal Waghre.Various techniques of grating in anterior perforation of tympanic membrane: our experience.Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018;4(1)103- 106.
- Mede R. S, Khan M.A, Rangari P. Evaluation of Cervical Lymphadenopathy in Lesions of Ear, Nose and Throat - An Observational Clinical Trial. Int. J. of medical science and clinical research , 2018,1:6:47 - 60.
- Dr. K Aruna, Assistant professor - “Comparitive analysis of local infiltration of tonsillar fossa with Bupivacaine versus Dexamethasone on post Tonsillectomy morbidity ( Tropical journal of Ophthalmology and Oto-Rhinolaryngology)” 2019;4(5)314-319.
- Shrikrishna BH ,vasim ismailpatel ,Rohit stephen, md shafiuddinmazhar. Sialolipoma Of Parotid Gland a Rare Histological Presentation Indian Journal Of Otolaryngology And Head & Neck Surgery.1-4.10.1007/s12070-018-1558-2.
- Sudhir Babu Padgul, Beatrice Choppara ;Assessment of IOP measurement skills in ophthalmology interns by direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS);Medpulse International Journal of Ophthalmology; September 2017; 3(3): 48-50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26611/1009331
- Ocular manifestations of HIV infections in southern India in the Era of HAART: Med plus international journal of ophthalmology; April 2019; 10(1).
- 1. Beatrice Choppara, Gayatri K, Sudhir Babu Padgul: Management outcome of Lens induced Glaucoma in a Rural Tertiary care Centre : Journal of Research in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences 2016 ; Vol 2, Issue 2, July-December 2016, Page 1-6
- Sudhir Babu Padgul, Pragna Rao D, G.Amaresh : “Glaucoma awareness in rural population - A hospital based study” ; Indian journal of clinical and experimental Opthalmology; January-March,2017; 3(1) : 42-44.
- Dr. Sudhir Babu.P, Dr. Lakshmi Vasantha, Dr. Sri Teja, Dr. G. Amaresh :“Evaluation of Impression Smear technique in microbiological diagnosis of Infectious microbial keratitis” ; Ophthalmology and Allied Sciences (OAS) ; Vol 3 No 2/ Jul-Dec 2017.
- Dr.Sudhir Babu.P, Dr.Beatrice.Ch, Dr.Shilpa, Dr.Sunita Sudhir P, Dr. G.Amaresh :“Retinal changes in pregnancy induced Hypertension and its impact on vision” ; Ophthalmology and Allied Sciences (OAS) ; Vol 3 No 2 Jul-Dec 2017.
- Dr. Sudhir Babu.P, Dr. G. Sujatha, Dr. G. Amaresh :Pattern of Refractive error in urban and rural young adult population - A hospital based study; Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology(IJCEO);Vol 3/ Issue 3,
- Amrita Singh, N Madhavi. Prevalence and analysis of abnormal pap smear: Prospective study of 752 patients in a tertiary care hospital of South India. Obs Gyn Review: Journal of obstetrics and gynecology; 2018 July Vol – 4, Issue 3
- Amrita Singh, Sushma Pedduri. Prevalence of hypothyroidism in pregnancy. Obs Gyn Review : Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2018 October Volume – 4, Issue 4
- Sonali S S ,Sunita Sudhir. A Study of intra operative maternal morbidity after repeating caesarean section. International journal of reproduction ,contraception, obstetrics and gynaecology.Jan2018,volume7,issue1 page291-296
- Sunitha Sudhir. Impact of feedback on obstetrics and gynaecology resident’s performance in formative assessment International journal of gynecology. January 2018; 5(1) : 01-03.
- Dr Amritha; Prevalance of hypothyroidism in pregnancy; Obs Gynae Review- Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology; Dec 2018/Vol4/77-81. . Dr Madhavi; Clinicopathological study of ovarian tumours in tertiary rural hospital; JBCR; MAY 2019.
- Dr Sunita Mishra; Comparison between sublingual ad vaginal route of misoprostal in the management of 1 st trimester abortion; JBCR; MAY 2019
- Dr Sunita Sudhir; Etiological evaluation of primary amenorrhea in a rural hospital; JBCR; MAY 2019.
- Dr.Vijay Bushan Meesala; Dr.Padala Ashok; Dhs Versus Pfn In Stabilization Of Intertrochanteric Fractures – A Comparative Study;Journal Of Evidence Based Medicine And Health Care (Jebmh) ;Volume 5, Issue 46, November 12 th , 2018.
- Komal Garg, Vamshi Krishna Kondle. Prospective study of clinical profile, causes, risk factors, and treatment of hyperbilirubinemia in preterm and term babies. International Journal of contemporary Pediatrics in september 2018/ volume 5, Issue 5, pages
- Journal of contemporary Pediatrics in september 2018/ volume 5, Issue 5, pages 2. Madaan P, Swamy D , Saini L . Stroke Following Trivial Trauma. Pediatr Neurol. 2019 Jul;96:83.
- Bandari B, Sindgikar SP, Kumar SS, Vijaya MS, Shankar R. Renal scarring following urinary tract infections in children. Sudan J Paediatr.2019;19 (1):25–30.
- Kumar SS, Sindgikar SP, Shenoy V, Sinha S, Shankar R. Pediatric Crohn disease : A case series from a tertiary care center. Indian J Child Health.2019; 6(3):133-35.
- K Anupama, CM Pavan kumar Reddy. High Risk Behaviour in patients with Alcohol Dependence. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2019;61 (2):125-30.
- Anupama K, Sarada D. Academic stress among high school children. IP Indian Journal of Neurosciences. 2018;4(4):175-9.
- Ruchi Kothari, Praveen Khairkar, Sneh Babhulkar, Pradeep Bokaria. Impact of Spectral Severity of Alcoholism on visual evoked potentials: A neuropsychiatric analysis. Journal of Neuroscience in Rural Practice. 2018; 9(3).381-90.
- Raje Madhav, Khairkar Praveen, Raje Anurag, Mishra KK. How to treat hazardous alcohol consumption? Which Method is better, Combination of Pharmacotherapy with Psychotherapy or Psychotherapy Alone? Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences. 2018;8(6):98-108
- Anupama K, Pavan Kumar Reddy CM. Sensation Seeking and High Risk Behaviour among Alcohol Dependent Patients. Indian Journal of Neurosciences. 2018;4(2):43-7.
- Praveen Khairkar, Sona Kakkar, Suresh Bada Math, Mrugesh Vaishnav. Ethical and Legal issues in the Process and Drop-outs of Marital and Family therapy in India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Jan 2019; Vol 61 (Supplement 3): S398.
- V Vishwak Reddy, Praveen Khairkar, Datt M. Current Trends of Physical and Psychiatric Morbidities in Rural Geriatric Services from South India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Jan 2019; Vol 61 (Supplement 3): S508.
- K Ashok Reddy, C Radhakanth, Praveen Khairkar. Advances in Information Technologies and its Emerging Utility in Psychiatry and Neuroscience. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Jan 2019; Vol 61 (Supplement 3): S429
- Madhav Raje, K Srinivas, Praveen Khairkar. Neha Gupta. Reframing Problem and Life Course of Adult ADHD: From Evaluation to Treatment. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Jan 2019; Vol 61 (Supplement 3): S448
- Pradyumna Cherukumudi, Praveen Khairkar. Quality of Life, Disability & Burden of Care in Caregivers Life in Long-term Outcome Pathways of Alcohol Dependence. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Jan 2019; Vol 61 (Supplement 3): S448
- Shadeen Afeen, Praveen Khairkar. Psychobiological exploration in Natural vs Surgical Menopause. Jan 2019; Vol 61 (Supplement 3): S518.
- Dr. D. Kavya ; A Case of right sided pleural effusion due to acute on chronic pancreatitis : A Case report. Indian Journal of applied research volume 9 / issue – 4 / April 2019 / Print ISSN No 2249 – 555X
- Dr. Rekha; The study of evaluation of pulmonary function in various occupations.; International journal of scientific research volume 07 issue 12 December 2018 ISSN No 2277 - 8179.
- Dr. Rekha; The study of pulmonary hypertension in chronic respiratory illness.; International journal of scientific research volume 08 issue 01 January 2019 ISSN No 2277 – 8179
- TV Kishan et al. Role of MRI in identification, characterization and assessing the sequalae of lumbar disc degenerative changes. MedPulse - International Journal of Radiology April 2018; 6(1):1-05.DOI: https: //doi.org/10.26611/1013611
- TV Kishan et al. Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the evaluation of Knee joint injuries with arthroscopic correlation. . MedPulse-International Journal of Radiology February 2018; 5(2):18-20.DOI: https: //doi.org/10.26611/1013522
- Nadendla LK, Tatikonda VK et al. Sonographic imaging of fibrosis of oral mucosa and its correlation with clinical staging in oral submucous fibrosis. J Cancer Res Ther 2018 Jan- Mar;14(2):394-397. doi: 10.4103/0973-1482.183194.