- Medicine - equipped with state of the art intensive care unit to handle various medical emergencies
- Pediatrics – Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) to handle various pediatric emergencies
- Psychiatry – run an active deaddiction centre simultaneously providing regular psychiatric care
- Dermatology, Venerealogy and Leprosy – Provides State of the art laser treatments and various dermatological procedures
- Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases- equipped with a special Respiratory intensive care unit (RICU) with specialized Asthama and COPD clinics
- Surgery – Handles regular surgical emergencies also providing laproscopic procedures
- Orthopaedics – Deals with various trauma scenarios , complex fractures (pelvic and spine). Also provides Arthroplasty (hip and knee ) arthroscopy and spine procedures at discounted prices
- Radio –Diagnosis - The Radiology department is attached to the hospital located in the ground floor and provided with X-ray machines of 600 MA, 500 MA, 300 MA, 100 MA and 60 MA, CT, MRI, Mammography and DSA."
- OTO-Rhinolaryngology – caters to the needs of patients with various ear ,nose and throat ailments
- Opthalmology – provides cataract surgeries and other opthomological procedures and services
- Obstetrics & Gynecology – has a robust prenatal and post natal clinics simultaneously dealing with various gynecological procedures
- Emergency medicine – has a state of art emergency department dealing with various emergencies like poisioning, polytrauma, cardiorespiratory conditions
- Transfusion medicine – well equipped and functioning blood bank providing various blood products (PRBC,FFP,PRP etc)
- Hospital administration – very active hospital administration department coordinating with various departments for smooth functioning
- Urology- provides a wide range of procedures from regular renal stone extraction to complex urethral procedures
- Nephrology – A round the clock dialysis unit meeting the demands of patient load
- Plastic Surgery – well equipped to perform various micro procedures (Reimplantations) , Flaps and congential deformity corrections
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