The period of training for the award of various postgraduate degrees shall be as follows:
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) / Master of Surgery (M.S.)
The period of training for obtaining these degrees shall be three completed years including the period of examination. Provided that in the case of students possessing a recognized two year postgraduate diploma course in the same subject, the period of training, including the period of examination, shall be two year.
All the candidates joining the Post Graduate training programme shall work as ‘Full Time Residents’ during the period of training and shall attend not less than 80% (Eighty percent) of the imparted training during each academic year including assignments, assessed full time responsibilities and participation in all facets of the educational process.
(a) During the training for award of Degree /Diploma in clinical disciplines, there shall be proper training in Basic medical sciences related to the disciplines concerned; so also in the applied aspects of the subject; and allied subjects related to the disciplines concerned. In the Post Graduate training programme including both Clinical and Basic medical sciences, emphasis has to be laid on Preventive and Social aspects. Emergency care, facilities for Autopsies, Biopsies, Cytopsies, Endoscopy and Imaging etc. shall also be made available for training purposes.
(b) The Post Graduate students shall be required to participate in the teaching and training programme of undergraduate students and interns.
(c)Training in Medical Audit, Management, Health Economics, Health Information System, basics of statistics, exposure to human behaviour studies, knowledge of pharmaco – economics and introduction to non- linear mathematics shall be imparted to the Post Graduate students.
(d) Basic Medical Sciences – The teaching and training of the students shall be through Lectures, Seminars, Journal Clubs, Group Discussions, participation in laboratory and experimental work, and involvement in Research Studies in the concerned speciality and exposure to the ‘Applied aspects’ of the subject relevant to clinical specialities.
(e) Clinical disciplines -The teaching and training of the students shall include graded responsibility in the management and treatment of patients entrusted to their care; participation in Seminars, Journal Clubs, Group Discussions, Clinical Meetings, Grand Rounds, and Clinico-Pathological Conferences; practical training in Diagnosis and Medical and Surgical treatment; training in the Basic Medical Sciences, as well as in allied clinical specialitites.
(a) Post Graduate students shall maintain a record (log) book of the work carried out by them and the training programme undergone during the period of training including details of surgical operations assisted or done independently by M.S. candidates.
(b) The Record (Log) Books shall be checked and assessed periodically by the faculty members imparting the training.
Conference/ Publication/Research:
A postgraduate student of a postgraduate degree course in broad specialities/super specialities would be required to present one poster presentation, to read one paper at a national/state conference and to present one research paper which should be published/accepted for publication/sent for publication during the period of his postgraduate studies so as to make him eligible to appear at the postgraduate degree examination.
(a) Attendance:
Candidates selected for the various courses should be the whole time students. Service candidates will have to apply for leave to prosecute their studies and are required to produce the leave sanction order from the Competent Authority not later than three months after joining the course. The candidate is required to put in a minimum of 80% attendance during each calendar year for being eligible to appear for the examination. In a year all 365 days will be considered as working days and students should get 80% attendance each year separately to get eligibility for appearing for University exams. The remaining days of absence (including maternity leave) will be considered for extension.
Students will be permitted to avail 30 days leave per year. No Post Graduate is allowed to go on leave more than 8 days at a stretch. In case the absence of the candidate availing Medical Leave / Maternity Leave / Any other Leave or unauthorized absence is beyond 30 days in a year, the study period of the candidate will be extended to the extent of such period. No other leave is permitted.
(c) Maternity Leave:
Women students can avail maternity leave upto 120 days only once in their PG course of study and the study period will be extended to the extent of Maternity leave availed. The candidate shall not be eligible to appear in the University examinations till the completion of study period as per MCI Regulations (Duration of course).
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