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List of Publications
- Study on The Anatomical Variations and Morphometry of Foramen Transversaria of The Subaxial Cervical Vertebrae.Dr.M.Yesender1, Dr. P. Devadas2 ,Dr. S. Saritha3, Dr. B H Shiny Vinila4, Int Anat Res 2017 ,Vol 5(2.1):3708-12.ISSN 2321-4287
- Greater Sciatic Notch As An Indicator Of Sex In Human Dead Fetuses Of South Indian Origin P Devadas1, Saurabh A Bansode2, B H Shiny Vinila3. International Journal of Anatomy and Research, Int J Anat Res 2017, Vol 5(2.3):3930-33. ISSN 2321-4287
- Correlation of appearence of gyri on superolateral surface of fetal brain with gestational age. Dr.gayatri.N, Dr.Nagaraj.S, Dr.D. Susheelamma, Dr. Anil. R. Sherke. IJAR 2016, Vol 4(3): 2622-25
- Morphogenesis of sulci on superolateral surface of human fetal brain of different gestational age. Dr.gayatri.N, Dr.Nagaraj.S, Dr.D. Susheelamma, Dr. Anil.R.Sherke. IJAR 2016, Vol 4(3): 2614-17.
- Study of morphological variations of suprascapular notch. Dr. Nagaraj S1,Dr. M. Krishnaiah2, Praveen Kumar M3, Dr. Anil R Sherke4, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) eISSN:2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 13, Issue 6. Ver. 1 (Jun.2014), PP 121-123.
- David MA , Kiranmai V. “A.L.I.C.E : An innovative teaching and learning activity” : Education In Medicine Journal: 2017; 9(2);51-54.
- B.Sai Nishitha, Kiranmai V, M.Anthony David. “Determinants of anaemia among adolescents in rural Nalgonda ” : International Journal Of Physiology.
- M. Anthony David & S.Hadassah Evangeline: “Stressors in health professional students”: Journal of Educational Technology for Health Sciences.
- Metta.S., Balgi. U , Mohanty .S , Dharwadkar A: “Impact of chronic smoking on lipid peroxidation & ECG in Ischemic Heart Disease”: National Journal of Physiology &
Pharmacology 2017: DOI: 10.5.455/ NJPPP 2017. - Santosh Palekar, Umesh G. Balgi, Sandhya Metta: “Thyroid profile in Polycystic Ovarian Disease” : International Journal of Physiology.
- Umesh G.Balgi, M. Arun Kumar, Sandya Metta: “Study of oxidative stress in patients of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus” : International Journal of Physiology.
- Umesh G.Balgi, Sandya Metta, Joya Rani, Santosh Palekar: “Study of QT & QTC changes in young obese medical students” : International Journal of Physiology.
- Palekar Santhosh Shivalingappa, Karanje Nivedita Vaijanath: “A study on semen profile in bicycle cyclists”: Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy & Physiology: 2016. 3(4): 490-93
- Dr. Palekar Santhosh, Karanje Nivedita: “Preponderance of duodenal ulcers in O blood group individuals” : International Journal Of Physiology: 2016:4(2):114-117.
- Palekar Santhosh, Rayan Sunil : “Role of Body Mass Index in better evaluation of obesity”: International Journal of Physiology : 2017: 5(1): 26-31
- Palekar Santhosh: “Waist hip ratio, A predictor of cardiovascular death in obese individuals” : International Journal Of Physiology.
- Bharathi Sherke, Kiranmai V. : “Effect of cigarettes smoked per day on RBC,WBC, Platelet count in adult Indian males –A case study”: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences : 2016; 6-2.
- Sandhya metta, Satyanarayana, Shruti Mohanty, “Association of angiotensin converting enzyme gene insertion / deletion polymorphism with risk of ischemic heart disease in a population of smokers in southern India.” Journal of clinical and diagnostic research,Apr 2015, Vol-9(4):GC01- GC04
- Khaja Mohinuddin Salar BM; Shruti Mohanty;Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes and its Maternal and Fetal Outcome in Rural Population of India, Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary, AARJMD,April 2014. Volume 1, Issue20
- Archana.A Dharwadkar, and Ambika Devi.K, Study of Biochemical Predictors of Bone Loss and Bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, International Journal of Development Research (IJDR),April 2015, Vol 5, Issue 04, pp. 4032-4035
- Dharwadkar Anand , Dharwadkar Asha , Chenmarathy Bindu , Dharwadkar Archana , Dharwadkar Kavitarati , Negative Feed Back Regulation of Oestrogen & Vasodilatory
Function of Progesterone Responsible for Preovulatory Gonadotropin Surge [LH Surge]-
A Hypothesis, Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research MSCR, April 2015,
Volume 3, Issue 04, Page: 5089-5094 - Archana.A. Dharwadkar, Shruti.Mohanty , Perceptions of Postgraduate medical students towards basic science subjects in their curriculum, International Journal Of Science and
Research (IJSR,March 2015 Volume 4, Issue 3 - Archana.A. Dharwadkar, B. Vikram, Shruti.Mohanty, Changes of serum transaminases in chronic alcoholics undergoing deaddiction treatment, Journal of Medical Science and
Clinical Research JMSCR, March 2015, Volume 3, Issue 3. - Archana.A. Dharwadkar, Shruti.Mohanty, Undergraduate Students’ And Faculty Perceptions On Small Group Learning In Biochemistry,International Journal Of Scientific
Research And Education,February-2015, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages-2917-2923. - Archana. A. Dharwadkar, Raghuram Chitterusu, Asha Dharwadkar, Shruti Mohanty,Total calcium Vs Ionized calcium- Diagnostic quandary- Case International Journal, BMR
Medicine Open access scientific publisher,2015 MD 50/ Volume 1/ Issue 1. - Archana. A. Dharwadkar, Kavita. Dharwadkar, Pragna.Rao,Biochemical Patterns of Hemoglobinopathies and Thalassemia Syndrome in a Tertiary Care Hospital of
Telangana,International Journal of Healthcare Science,March 2015. Vol.2, Issue.2, PP:
(385-388) - N.Rajya Lakshmi, Archana A Dharwadkar, Shruti Mohanty, N.Gayatri, Kiranmai Vadapalli,Perception of 1st year MBBS students on early clinical exposure with horizontal
as A teaching learning method,Journal of Basic and Clinical Research, Issue-1Jan-June
2016 - Srividy.A, Bindu Pavani.Ch, Rama Rao.J,Analysis of Serum Zinc, Protein and Albumin levels in Psoriasis: A Case Control Study, Journal of Medical Science and Clinical
Research JMSCR,May 2015, Volume 03, Issue 05, Page 5872-5879. - Srividya; Bindu Pavani.C; Rama Rao.J , A Study On Adenosine Deaminase Activity and changes Of Lipid Profile Levels In Serum Of Patients With Psoriasis A Case Control
Study,Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary . AARJMD, (January2015),
Volume 1, Issue29, Issn : 2319 – 2801 - Bindu Pavani Ch * and Shruti Mohanty, Comparitive and correlation study of serum uric acid among non Diabetic and Diabetic range of fasting blood glucose,International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, Oct -Dec 2015, Volume 5: Issue 4, Volume 155-158
- Veena Bhaskar S Gowda, Bhaskar Hebbani Nagaiah, Bharathi Sengodan,A Study of the Competency of Third Year Medical Students to interpret biochemically based Clinical
Scenarios Using Knowledge gained in year 1 and 2, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Education- International Journal, Vol: 44, Issue: 2,Pages 202-207 - Vijaya Bhaskar. M1, Vennela. D2, Suma Preethi. A3, Study of Homocysteine, Lipoprotein and Lipid Profile in Ischemic Stroke, Scholars Academic and Scientific Publisher (SAS Publishers), 2014, 2(4B),: 1247-1250
- Dr. D Radhjika Chowdary1, Dr. D. Vennela2, Mrs. N. Rohini3, An Interesting case report of Association of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss with MTHFR gene mutation and high Anti
Phospholiipids antibodies, Scholars Academic and Scientific Publisher (SAS
Publishers),Oct 2015, 3(10A): 942-944
- Nagaiah BH, Patil SB,Vahila N, Y.V.Rao, Shrinivas Raikar, Sajid M. Analysis of adverse drug reactions of antimicrobial agents reported to ADR Monitoring centre of a rural tertiary care teaching hospital. Int J Basic Pharmacology.2017,6 (Under Publications).
- Patil SB.Raikar SR, Bhaskar H.N. Janardhan M, Rao Y V, Vahila. A Study of adverse reactions in patients treated with penicillins in a rural tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Pharmacology (2016), vol 5(2), pg no 41-44.
- Shivaraj Basavaraj, Shrinivas R. Raikar, Marupaka Janardhan, Y. Venkata Rao, H.N.Bhaskar, Nallavelly Vahila. A Profile of adverse drug reactions in a rural tertiary care hospital. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2016/Vol6/Issue 6, Pg no 559-562.
- Sirisha Annavarapu, Janardhan M, Naveen kumar T. Imact of teaching session on concepts of palliative care in medical undergraduates. International Journal of Basic & clinical pharmacology (2016), vol5(1), pg no 188-191
- Krishna PS, Mabu SS. An unusual presentation of visual hallucinations with Zolpidem: A case report.Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2015; 4: 376-8.
- Nasar A. Tadivi, Shareef SM Dinesh M Naidu C, Karuna Sree P, Venkatarao Y,(2015) Profile of Adverse Druge reactions a rural tertiary care teaching Hospital. Journal of Basic & Clinical Research. 2 (1) 15-20.
- Sareef SM, Naidu Cdm,Shrinivas R. Raikar, Devika V, Venkata Rao Y. (2015) Development, implementation and analysis of adverse drug reaction monitoring system in a rural tertiary care teaching Hospital in Narketpally, Telangana. Int. J.basic Clinical Pharmacology 4 (4) 757- 760.
- Shruthi G, Sree PK, Rao Y V. Drug utilization pattern of over the counter and alternative medications in pregnancy; A cross sectional descriptive study. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2015; 5 (3) 195-199
- C. Dinesh. M Naidu, Mabu shareef, Nishat Ahmed sheikh. FDE with fixed dose combination of ofloxacin and omidazole with cross sensitivity to metronidazole; A noval case. IJIRR 2014; 1 (11): 159-61.
- S. Mabu Shareef, I. Sridhar, K. Madhu Dakshayani, Y. Venkata Rao, B. Santhamma. Ealuation of the effects of tramadol and diclofenac alone and in combination on post-cesarean pain. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2014; 3(3): 470-473.
- Nousheen, Tadvi NA, Shareef SM. Use of proton pump inhibitors in general practice; Is it Rationale? Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2014;3(1): 37-42.
- Podila KS, R Pathapati, Sreebhushanraju D, Vijayalakshmi G, Ramesh S. A comparative study to evaluate the effect of ramipril and telmisartan on the componenets of metabolic syndrome in chronic kidney disease patients. Int J Pharma Bio Sci 2014; 4(2); 122-127.
- W.Sandhya Manohar, Vennila Vijayasree, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh. “Estination of Post Mortem interval based on morphological changes in WBC”; Original article; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 8; Issue 3 ; July – Sep 2015. Page No. 77– 81.
- Dr.W.Sandya Manohar, Sexual Crimes against women in India: a critical analysis; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology; Vol.10; NO.2, July/Dec 2016, ISSN print - 0973-9122
- W. Sandhya Manohar, Boddupally Ravi Kumar, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh; 'Adolescents Suicide - A Social and Preventable Problem'' ; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 9 ; No.1; Jan – Mar 2016. Page No.15 – 19. ISSN print 0974-3383, ISSN online 0974-3391.
- W. Sandhya Manohar, Gunti Damodar, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh ; “Microanalysis of the Adolescents Suicides” ; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 9 ; No.2; April-June 2016. Page No.51 – 56. ISSN print 0974-3383, ISSN online 0974-3391.
- Dr.V.S. Dhanasree Naidu, Dr.W.Sandya Manohar, Dr.P.Sudhir Reddy, Dr.V.S.Sai Sankalp Naidu; “Study of Autonomic Functions in Normal Pregnancy and Preeclamptic Pregnancy; Accepted for publication in MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences (Mallareddy).
- Mohd Muneeb Quraishi, Sandya Manohar, Simmi Soni, Ramakranthi Tum, Durdana Begum; A study of Homicide subsequently followed by suicide, in southern part of India; Risk factors and prevention strategies, Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2015
- B.Bheeshma, V. Geetha, Jay Raju, Sandhya Manohar ; Cardiac Troponin – T levels in heart blood as a marker to diagnose postmortem myocardial infarction,Original research article; International Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 2 ; Issue 3 ; March 2015. Page No. 108 – 118. ISSN print 2394-0025, ISSN online 2394-034.
- Gunti Damodar, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh ; “A study of Finger Prints in Relation to ABO Blood Group and Gender”; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 7 ; No.4; Oct - Dec 2014. Page No. 141 – 145. ISSN print 0974-3383, ISSN online 0974-3391.
- Gunti Damodar, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh, T.Venkata Ramanaiah ; Explosive Deaths by Land Mines Blast”, Medico - Legal Update An International Journal, Vol. 15 ; No.1; Jan – June 2015. Page No. 22 – 26. ISSN print 0971-720X, ISSN Electronic 0972-1283.
- Nishat Ahmed Sheikh, Vemula Murali Krishna, Gunti Damodar ; “Married Men's Suicide: a Silent Epidemic in India”; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 8 ; No.1; Jan - March 2015. Page No. 11 – 16. ISSN print 0974-3383, ISSN online 0974-3391.
- W. Sandhya Manohar, Gunti Damodar, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh ; “Microanalysis of the Adolescents Suicides”, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 9 ; No.2; April-June 2016. Page No.51 – 56. ISSN print 0974-3383, ISSN online 0974-3391.
- Dr.Boddupally Ravi Kumar, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh; “Study of lip prints ad an aid to Forensic Methodology”, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 8 ; No.4; Oct - Dec 2015. Page No. 129 – 134. ISSN print 0974-3383, ISSN online 0974-3391.
- W. Sandhya Manohar, Boddupally Ravi Kumar, Nishat Ahmed Sheikh'Adolescents
- Suicide - A Social and Preventable Problem''; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol. 9 ; No.1; jan – mar 2016. Page No.15 – 19. ISSN print 0974-3383, ISSN online 0974-3391.
- Sai leela K, Archana G.J. Significance of direct Gram stained smear examination in sore throat. J. Microbiol. Biotech. Res 2016;6:14-16.
- Manjula Vani Kiran C, Vasudeva Naidu K.H, Nagasudharani J.. Role of Azithromycin against clinical isolates of family Enterobacteriaceae: A comparision of its minimum inhibitory concentration by three different methods. Indian Journal of research 2016;5: 331 – 33.
- Vasudeva Naidu , Manjula Vani Kiran C , Sarojamma V , Suneetha N. Neonatal septicaemia: bacterial isolates & their antibiotic susceptibility patterns. International Journal of Advanced Research 2016;4:617 – 19.
- Raju Sunagar ,Nagendra Ramachadra Hegde , Ganapuram Jagadishwar Archana , Akhauri Yasha , Kammili Nagamani , Shrikrishna Isloor .Prevalence and genotype distribution of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in India. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 2016;7:46-52.
- Venkateswarlu . M , Dinesh Kumar Singh T, Saileela K, Lakshmi Vasantha P. Evaluation of C-Reactive Protein and Procalcitonin in Sepsis. International Journal of Scientific Research 2016 ;5 :149 – 153.
- Lakshmi Vasantha.P ,Narsimloo K ,Archana. G.J, Sai Leela K. Diphtheria in Telangana state – A case Report. Journal of Basic and Clinical Research 2016;3: 35-8.
- Ashok Reddy G., Rangaiahgari Ashok, Madhavi M, Megharaj C, Nitesh N. Fungal Keratitis due to Schizophyllum commune: An Emerging pathogenic fungus. Mycoses 2016; 59: 757–759 .
- Makeda Carroll, Ashok Rangaiahgari, Emmanuel Musabeyezu, Donald Singer,Onyema Ogbuagu. 5-year Antimicrobial susceptibility trends among bacterial isolates from a tertiary healthcare facility in Kigali, Rwanda. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2016;95:1277- 83.
- Accepted for publication : Rangaiahagari Ashok. Bacteriological profile and antimicrobioal susceptability pattern in ICU unit of tertiary care hospital, Aurangabad. Int. j. clin. biomed. Res. 2017;3: 1-5.
- Gayathri devi P, Hima Bindu M, Ravishankar Reddy and Sai Leela K. Study of nonfermenters in various clinical specimens with special reference to imipenem resistance : A study from teaching hospital in Telangana state. J. Microbiol. Biotech. Res. 2015; 5:41- 4.
- Lakshmi vasantha P, Sai Leela K. Antibiotic Susceptibility pattern of uropathogens isolated in a rural teaching hospital in south India. Int.J.Curr. Microbiol.Sci 2015;4:160 – 7.
- Lakshmi vasantha P, Sai Leela K. Biotyping and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Klebsiella isolates recovered from tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of applied research 2015; 5 :473 – 6.
- Lakshmi Vasantha P, Sai Leela K. Comparision of laboratory diagnosis and syndromic approach in the management of symptomatic vaginal discharge. International Journal of Science and research 2015; 4: 2073 – 6.
- Lakshmi Vasantha Poluri, Jyothi Padmaja Indugula, Sai Leela K. Clinicomycological study of dermatophytosis in South India. J Lab Physicians 2015; 7: 10-14.
- Divya Vaishnavi.G. Aerobic bacteriology of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media(CSOM) – A hospital based cross sectional study. International Journal of Scientific Research 2015,4: 607- 9.
- Dinesh Kumar Singh T, Pratibha, Sai Leela K. Incidence and analysis of animal bite cases among paediatric age group attending ARV clinic at Hyderabad. Indian journal of applied research 2015;5:591-5.
- Ramya Sree A, Kalawat U, Rani ND, Chaudhury A. Seroprevalence of Scrub typhus at a tertiary care hospital in Andhra Pradesh. Indian J Med Microbiol 2015; 33: 68 – 72.
- Ramya Sree A, Prakash R, Sunil Kumar, Kathleeen G, Shilpa K. Occurrence of Intestinal parasitic infections and its correlation with haematological parameters in a tertiary care centre. Journal of International Medicine and Dentistry 2015;2:47-52.
- Lavanya Ediga. V, Rajaram Gandikota, Gururaju Tippireddy Palli , Maha Lakshmi Boddu, Yamini Sharabu , Srinivasarao CH. Prevalence of metallo betalactamase (MBL) producing pseudomonas species among clinical samples from S.V.R.R.G.G.hospital, A Tertiary referral hospital of S.V.Medical College, Tirupati. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2015;2:321- 30.
- Rangaiahagari A, Nyirabanzi J, Uwizeyimana J.P, Emma N and Wane J. Comparison of urine culture and urine dipstick nitrite test in diagnosis of urinary tract infection. Rwanda Medical Journal 2015 ; 72:15-16.
- Vasantha LP, Sai Leela SK. Necrotizing fasciitis due to Apophysomyces elegans. J Acad Clin Microbiol. 2014 ;16: 77- 80.
- Lakshmi vasantha P., Sai Leela K. Melioidosis in Andhra Pradesh, India. International journal of scientific research 2014; 3: 453 – 4
- Seema Solanki ,Sai Leela K. Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP): Microbiology and antibiotic sensitivity pattern in a tertiary care hospital. International journal of scientific research 2014 ; 3: 455 – 58.
- Sai Leela K. Cladosporium species – a rare etiological agent of corneal ulcer. Journal of Applied Science and Research (SRL) 2014;2: 89-91.
- Sateesh K. Malkappa, Sreekanth B. Hepatitis B and C in Health care workers: Prevalence, relation to vaccination and occupational factors. J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci 2014;3: 3919 – 22.
- Kiran Tripathi, Purti C. Tripathi, Shashwati Nema, Arun Kumar Shrivastava, Kalpana Dwiwedi, Ashok Kumar Dhanvijay. Modified petroff's method :an excellent simplified decontamination technique in comparison with petroff's method. International journal of recent trends in science and technology 2014;10:461 – 4.
- Tripathi Purti C, Dhote Kiran. Lower Respiratory tract infections : Current etiological trends and antibiogram. J Pharma Biomed Sci 2014;4: 249 – 55.
- Tripathi PC, Gajbhiye SR, Agrawal GN. Clinical and antimicrobial profile of Acinetobacter spp.: An emerging nosocomial superbug. Adv Biomed Res 2014;3:13.
- Prakash R, Veena Krishnamurthy , Ramyasree Allavarapu . Antibiotic Resistance in Non – humans and its impact in Human Health. Journal of International Medicine and Dentistry 2014;1: 59-69.
- Shilpa K , Bernaitis L, Jiji Mathew , Shoba K L, Ramyasree A , Anjaneyaswamy Manthena. Comparision of urine microscopy and culture from urinary tract infection – a retrospective study. International journal of Health information and Medical Research 2014 ;1: 12 – 17.
- Dr. Ajitha Reddy , Dr. Maimoona Mustafa. Phenotypic Identification of Candida species and their susceptibility profile in patients with genitourinary candidiasis. International Journal of Advanced Research 2014;2:76-84.
- Rangaiahagari A, Uwizeyimana J.P, Beatrice M, Emma N and Wane J. Toe abscess with Salmonella typhimurium in sickle cell anemia patient. A case report. Rwanda Medical Journal, 2014; 71 : 15-16.
- G.V.R.N Krishnakanth, V.Satyanarayana; Usefulness of Cytological Grading in Predicting Tumor Behavior in Breast Carcinoma – An Institutional Experience; Original Artical; Ananals pf Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Vol.03, No.13, July – Sep 2016
- G.V.R.N Krishnakanth, V.Satyanarayana; Pre-operative diagnosis of Follicular variant of Papillary carcinoma of thyroid – A retrospective study; Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology; July – September 2016; 3(3) P 392-396
- Das Dipkana, Saha Subhasish, G.V.R.N. Krishna Kanth, Rao Sheshagiri T, Veeragandham Satyanarayana; Eccrine Syringofibroadenoma – A very rare entity in Dermatopathology: case report; Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS): ISSN 2320-6691 (Online), ISSN 2347-954X (Print).
- Dr.G.V.R.N.Krishna Kanth, Dr.V.Vijayasree, Dr.M.Madhavi, Dr.T.Sheshagiri Rao, Dr.V.Satyanarayana, A histopathological spectrum of skin adnexal tumors; IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), e-ISSN; 2279-0853, p-ISSN; 2279-0861, Volume 14, Issue 8 Ver. IV; Aug 2015; Page No. 90-92.
- Dr.G.V.R.N.Krishna Kanth, Dr.Keerthana, Dr.T.Seshagiri Rao , Dr.V.Satya Narayana: A Rare presentation of Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma as Breast Abscess IOSR Journal of Dental And Medical Sciences:2279-0861. volume 14,issue 4 Ver.V(Apr 2015),60-63
- Das Dipkana, Saha Subhasish, G.V.R.N. Krishna Kanth, Rao Sheshagiri T, Veeragandham Satyanarayana; Eccrine Syringofibroadenoma – A very rare entity in Dermatopathology: case report; Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS): ISSN 2320-6691 (Online), ISSN 2347-954X (Print).
- Dr.G.V.R.N.Krishna Kanth, Dr.V.Vijayasree, Dr.M.Madhavi, Dr.T.Sheshagiri Rao, Dr.V.Satyanarayana, A histopathological spectrum of skin adnexal tumors; IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), e-ISSN; 2279-0853, p-ISSN; 2279-0861, Volume 14, Issue 8 Ver. IV; Aug 2015; Page No. 90-92.
- Krishna Kanth G.V.R.N., Muralikrishna J, Nishanth N, Satyanarayana V; Ki-67 Expression in Urinary Bladder Carcinomas and Its Prognostic Role; Original article, Vol.2; Isuue:4, 2015; ISSN: 2349-6991; Page no. 133-136.
- Saritha Karre, Krishna Kanth GVRN, Amrutha Gorva, Styanarayana Veeragandham, Sheshagiri Rao Thungaturthi, Varun Malhotra; Histopathological and clinical correlation of leprosy in arural population of South India; Volume 2; Issue 12 (2015) ; PP 14-18; ISSN (Online):2394-076X; ISSN (Print) :2394-0751.
- Dr.G.V.R.N.Krishna Kanth, Dr.B.Murali Krishna, Dr.A.Naveen KK, Dr.V.Satya Narayana: A Histopathological study of soft tissue tumors IOSR Journal of Dental And Medical Sciences:2279-0861. volume 14,issue 7 Ver.II(July 2015),82-85.
- Dr. G. V. R.N.Krishna Kanth, Dr.Keerthana, Dr.T.Seshagiri Rao , Dr.V.Satya Narayana: A Rare presentation of Metaplastic Breast Carcinoma as Breast Abscess IOSR Journal of Dental And Medical Sciences:2279-0861. volume 14,issue 4 Ver.V(Apr 2015),60-63.
- Dr.M.Deepthi, Dr.G.V.R.N.Krishna Kanth, Dr.Ch.Abhinandandutt : Study Of Management of Epistaxis in a Tertiary Care Hospital IOSR Journal of Dental And Medical Sciences : e-ISSN :2279—853,P-ISSN:2279-0861,Volume 14,Issue 1, Ver .V (Jan 2015) PP 48-56
- Dr.G.V.R.N.Krishna Kanth, Dr.V.Vijayasree, Dr.M.Madhavi, Dr.T.Sheshagiri Rao, Dr.V.Satyanarayana, A histopathological spectrum of skin adnexal tumors; IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), e-ISSN; 2279-0853, p-ISSN; 2279-0861, Volume 14, Issue 8 Ver. IV; Aug 2015; Page No. 90-92.
- Dr.Subhasish Saha, Dr. Vennela Vijayasree, Dr.Aruna Chaitanya, Dr.V.Satyanarayana, Dr. Dipkana Das: Sclerosing Polycystic adenosis of Submandibular Gland-A Rare Case report. IOSR Journal of Dental And Medical Sciences:2279-0861. volume 14,issue 5 Ver.III(May 2015),63-65.
- Vennila V, Madhu V, Ramesh R, Ealla KKR, Velidanda SR, Santhoshi S. Tetracycline induced discoloration of deciduous teeth: Case series . J Int Oral Health 2014;6(3):115-9.
- V.Vijayasree, Sunethri padma, P nalini kumara, V satyanarayana: Two interesting cases of head and neck region- Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences 2014 vol 3 Issue19, may 12 page:5070-5075, DOI :10.14620/JEMDS/2014/2555.
- V.Vijayasree, V satyanarayana, P nalini kumara, Sunethri padma. INTRAOSSEOUS SCHWANNOMA: A case report and review. The Internet Journal of Pathology 2014 volume 16 Number 1
- V.Vijayasree, K Raghu, M Krishna Boghi , V satyanarayana: Small blue round cell tumors of kidney IN CHILDHOOD- A Diagnostic dilemma The Internet Journal of Pathology 2014 volume 16 Number 1
- V.Vijayasree, R Ashok kumar, V satyanarayana :Morphological and immunophenotypical charectarerization of “Breast Carcinomas Insitu with Mixed Pattern” by using E- Cadherin and B- Catenin The Internet Journal of Pathology 2014 volume 16 Number 1
- V.Vijayasree, T pramod Kumar ,K Mallikarjuna Rao, V satyanarayana. Mucosal changes of airway in inhalational lung injury detected by flexible Bronchoscopy”.Journalof evolution of medical and dental sciences 2014:vol 3 Issue 47, September 25 page 11403-11410, DOI 10.14620/JEMDS/2014/3491
- A. Krishnaiah, M.Lavanya, G.Sunitha, Study of utility of Mammaglobin in diagnosis of breast carcinoma and as a valuable marker for mammary tissue; ISSN (o):2321–7251 International Journal of Research in Health Sciences. Jul–Sept 2014 Volume-2, Issue-3
- Anunayi Jeshtadi, Afzal Moid Mohammad, Madhukar Reddy Kadaru, Ezhil Arasi Nagamuthu, ; Study of Gastric Biopsies with clinicopathological correlation - A Tertiary care centre experience; Original Article; J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2016; 3 (57), 2937-2940. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2016/639.
- Bajaj NK, Nagamuthu EA, Kadaru MR, et al. Clinicopathological features of anaplastic carcinoma of small intestine: A care case report. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2016; 3 (56), 3036-3038. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2016/661.
- Subhashini Bandar, Kanchapriyadarshini V.N., Indira Avanigadda, Srinitisha Hanumanthu, PVB Rama Laxmi; Cytohistological study of salivary gland lesions ; vol 5 , Issue 103, 26th December 2016 ; page 7571 - 7576; JEMDS.com.
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- Sunita Mishra1, Sunita Sudhir ;Diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy in evaluation of female infertility in a Rural MedicalCollege:Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 2016;3(3):196-198
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- Narra Gopal Reddy. “Preventable Errors:” Journal of Evaluation of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 29, July 21; Page: 8162-8172, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2014/3027.
- N. Gopal Reddy. Nanotechnology use in Medicine. Journal of Evoluation of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 68, December 08; Page: 14683-14693.
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- Gopal Reddy Narra. “Accidental Injection of Tranexamic Acid into Intrathecal Space”. Journal of Research in Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine 2015; Vol. 1, Issue 1, July – December 2015; Page: 12-14.
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- N. Gopal Reddy, Kahalekar, Laxmi Priyanka. Anaesthetic Management of a Ectopic Pregnancy Patient with Organophosphorous Poisoning. Journal of Evoluation of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 02, January 05; Page: 285-295, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2015/45.
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- Dr. Narra Gopal Reddy “A randomised controlled study of intraperitoneal vs intraincisional infiltration of local anesthetic levobupivacaine for pain relief in post-laparoscopic hysterectomy cases” IJCA-Accepted for publication.
- Narra Gopal reddy, B. Raja Shekar Reddy, T. Haresh, G. Vasavi Prospective Analytic Study of Airway Problems in Elective Vs Emergency Cases with a Difficult Airway Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia; Volume 4 Number 2, April – June 2017(Part – 1) page 263-269.
- Narra Gopal Reddy “Prospective study of dexmedetomidine+propofol versus dexmedetomidine+ketamine for sedation and anaesthesia in Hysteroscopic examination and procedures” IJAA; Volume 4 number 2 – June2017 part – 2, page 435-440.
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